Studio Preparatory™ is a program serving students as young as eight years old through high-school in preparing for college.

An affiliate of Acton Academy, The Studio is a Christian non-profit organization that welcomes families of all faiths.

Studio Prep in Their Words

Get an inside look at Studio Prep from those who know it best- explore quotes and experiences shared by our students and their families.

Read excerpts from the peer nominations for our annual Griffin Awards to see how peer influence shapes our student body culture.

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“We love Studio Prep! This has been a wonderful atmosphere for our kids to develop confidence and an ability to think on their own. The guides (teachers) are fantastic and truly care about each student as an individual. I’m thrilled that we found Studio Prep!”


-Studio Prep Parent

“Our family is incredibly grateful for the grace, love, support and guidance you and your staff have provided to us. “

-Studio Prep Parent

“I have grown as a person a lot this year. It’s amazing what just a few people can change about someone’s mindset on life, and I believe the studio has helped me with that.”

-Studio Prep Student

“So much to say about the Studio! We come from public school backgrounds and love to learn ourselves. For our kids, we explored many educational models (classical university model, public, private, fully homeschool). Grateful for the options in Austin! Then, we found the Studio. It’s a project-based meets classical educational environment. The part-time model allows us to be flexible on the weekends (or work from home alongside one another on Mon/Fri). The socratic discussions introduce challenging and diverse topics in order to teach our child how to have a respectful discussion when both parties do not agree (what a skill to have in our current cultural environment!). The emphasis on the love of learning (and not test-based teaching) encouraged a playfulness and curiosity that is just plain fun! The tuition is incredibly reasonable in a popular city like Austin. There’s an emphasis on being a productive member of society by giving back several times throughout the year, which teaches our kid to be a producer not just a consumer. The biggest challenge for us as parents is allowing our student to try and fail (then try again!) withOUT us stepping in. That said, our son has increased his level of ownership over his learning and project completion, as well as increased his grit. The caring and respectful guides mixed with the student numbers in each pod allow each student to be known. What a gift to have folks come alongside you and encourage a love of learning in your child! It is a coop, so each family is asked to contribute volunteer hours. However, we have found that the Studio has benefited our family more than it has required of us. Grateful for this community!”

-Studio Prep Parent

“Having moved to Austin just before COVID, it would be easy to say our transition has been rough…. for all our kids except our high schooler. Having attended public school for his freshman year, he decided to try something different for his sophomore year. When we asked him why the Studio looked interesting, his response was that learning in this environment might actually be enjoyable. As a self-driven student, he has never struggled academically but has also never found joy in learning. At the Studio, he is thriving. The connections he has made with other kids whose families are motivated to create community and connections have helped him find a way to make our new city home and the Studio a place to love learning.”

-Studio Prep Parent

“The students and guides (teachers) are really nice. The staff and guides especially really care about us – not just academically but as people. The workload is challenging but not hard. The guides do a great job of making whatever we are studying interesting. I like the level of trust and freedom we are given as high schoolers. I like that it is 3 days a week, allowing me to work a part-time job as well as take dual credit courses at ACC. Overall, I am glad we chose to do this year at the Studio.”

-Studio Prep Student

“We are nearing the end of our first year here and it has been such a blessing to our family! The school/co-op runs from third through 12th grade, with three different groups. My daughter is a sixth grader, so she could either go with the elementary group or the middle school group. We chose the elementary group and it has been fantastic to have her learn a sense of responsibility that she can carry on into the middle School group next year. As a former educator, I admire that the studio uses every education methodology that are best practices. Our daughter has benefited from so much self-directed learning as well as project-based learning. And the cohesion among students from all grade levels is so wonderful. I feel she has really benefited from the school culture. Studio Prep is such a blessing for our family!”

-Studio Prep Parent

“How do you do it?!  My daughter just came to me bursting with excitement about creating an ANI Chart (seriously!) and writing a paper from the perspective of a character in All Quiet on the Western Front.  She overflowed with ideas and read quotes about them losing their innocence.    With jazz hands, she ended our conversation singing, “and I get to write a paper on it.” 

-Studio Prep Parent

Cultivating Influence Through the Studio Prep Model

Students at all levels are encouraged to influence their learning environment, by collaborating with peers, and engaging in meaningful experiences that extend beyond the traditional classroom setting. The quotes below are peer nominations for our Griffin Leadership award which recognizes students who have made our Studio Prep community better and inspired us all to be better people. 

“She is a leader that you wouldn’t expect. Most leaders you see are very much out there, putting themselves forward to lead everyone to a better world, which is what she does. However, she also leads everybody by being the best follower. She knows when she needs to step aside and let someone else take the role and she knows how to help the leader if they ever need that extra bit of confidence. She has truly helped me see the world through a better lens, and I’m very much grateful for it.”

“He’s a good friend and is very funny and honest.”

“I always notice her sharing encouraging words with her fellow students and patiently helping others.”

“She is so incredibly smart yet never makes anyone else feel inadequate with her knowledge. She’s a delight in class discussions, has awesome style, and inspires me to grow in my academics.”

“He is one of the nicest, and most genuine people I know! He’s funny, encouraging, helpful, and always up for a challenge.”

Selected ‘Griffin Nominations’ by Lower School and High School Students

More About The Studio

"So thankful for the opportunity to have our daughter be part of The Studio. Thank you to all the guides for your dedication, creativity and love!"

Upcoming Events

Nov 21, 2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

High School Exhibition

Dec 11, 2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Lower School Exhibition